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245 Movie Reviews

Now...Episode 3...is eagerly awaited!

OHHH can the rodent rant away like no tomorrow!
How I have missed the nonsense of Foamy, where it ALL makes sense.
Of course society is full of whiny little douche nozzles...silver spoon fed...attention ADHD med poppin' dumb fucks.

Then of course, we're stuck with the new pansy generational lame asses that are super sensitive to anything we say or even how we "stare at them".


Oh my GOD! The hell did I just watch!!!!!!!?
*shrieks in sheer delight*

Always wondered when someone would make a Parody outta that commercial from the 80s early 90s lmao

Recent Game Reviews

1 Game Review

Beat the game with full health, no power ups.
Question is...why are achievements locked?
I figured that there was some means to unlocking them, but nope.
Funny thing...
taking zero damage through out the entire match took me 27 tries...lol
Yea, its that good and was worth the play :-)
The ending was something to be desired though...shoulda had Ryu stab him in the heart first, then behead him...or do an "omnislash" ;-)

Recent Audio Reviews

468 Audio Reviews

This for sure has Anime written all over it!
Just the general hype alone is enough to fit right in with the genre, then of course, you can SMELL your style all over this piece. The portion you mentioned around 1:50ish is noticed, but you know what? If you're feelin the track, you can't even tell one bit, so no knocks there.

The pitches around 2:30 and taking it to 16-bit beat style...was a brilliant touch! You don't see that much often anymore these days...which is why I said you can smell your style ;-)
So tell me...when are you going to come back full swing with something so nasty, crispy, brutally insane, and uber fresh for all of us?

Our ears demand JUSTICE!...and I'm still waiting for your pieces to make it to the top of Tiktok man...where be you on there? Rofl! Your audio would become insanely popular!

Burn7 responds:

I mean, I have an entire album (with vocal/instrumental versions of each song) already written that just needs mixing/mastering... But who the fuck has time for that in adulthood right?

Also: I'll probably just keep doing what I've been doing forever and post here on NG where I started. I think my outlook on getting listens/views or whatever has changed a lot since I first started posting. Nowadays if I just hit the frontpage of NG once a year I'm happy.

Maybe one day I'll post something other than music even lol

Anyway, good to see you're still trolling about on here :]

The sheer force behind this melody...you can literally FEEL the bloodlust behind the sudden and acoustic abuse to the ear drums!...especially though my gaming headset, and only at 30% volume!

Absolutely BRUTAL!...and yes, I would say this falls under Gordoncore ;-)
Now...as far as your mastering goes, it's 99.8% flawless! There are some hiccups I'm picking up on my headset, but it could be my trash audio card? Cause everyone knows how touchy feely Intel GPU and CPU can be, but I was on a budget...!!! Don't hate! It's a powerful machine and can handle what I play with literally zero strain, but then again...I'm not the insane graphics kinda player. If I can see what I'm doing, lock on, and drop some fools...that's what counts!

On that note, that's exactly what this track does! Drops souls into the abysmal drain of purgatory!

I smell another Advertisement within a clip of mine coming!!!

Edit: 6/22/2021
With PLEASURE! With as high energy as this is...I'm gonna have to hopefully get into a multi-team battle and come out victorious!! Which is honestly rare in "the game" lmfao!
2:16 - 2:40 has some serious potential for a revision of a previous clip of mine! Might drop that for ShizNgiggleZ lol!

DanJohansen responds:

USE IT!!! Shoot em all!

Recent Art Reviews

3 Art Reviews

They would do a marathon of this show...cause DAMN do I miss it!
This art made me feel soo nostalgic :-)

geogant responds:

I don't know if they're doing a marathon, but isn't The Splat running episodes?

Utilizing this here on Newground's :) credit given.

BluMiu responds:

You're all green sir. Good to go :) And thanks!

Like Metal, Rock, BGM Revisions & Mixes. Comical Flashes, Parody's, and anything that will entertain me. I will critique to the fullest, add some ideas, pointers, and maybe even assist you in creation of high quality projects.
TikTok: @ketsujo

Age 40, Male

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