
468 Audio Reviews

191 w/ Responses

OH MY F#$%ING GOD! I used to SPEND HOURS with sound test open, jammin to the tracks...good ole days of elementary, and middle school...So many memories!
I have been long awaiting someone with the BALLS to step up to the plate and remix this games track effectively! TOTALLY FLAWLESS!
You do the original 101% justice! Respect! Favorite!

*curiosity button was pushed, question mode initiated*
Where do you come up with your ideas for these tracks?! Every piece I have listened to by you...just...wow.

Lovin' it

Lead drags just a smidge at the start, couldn't really tell if that is what you were aiming for or not.
The beat, nice & dark with the lil perks you tossed up in there. Might want to take a look at 1:23-1:28...a lil clipping there with your edit :P

Still, a nice piece to listen to! Keep up the good #$%^ dude!

DanJohansen responds:

Thanks for your continued feedback man! Can't hear any clipping here at 1:23-1-28 by the way.

Kinda takes me back to the Earthbound days on the SNES.
Great Job.

Maybe pick up the tempo a notch for a much greater "roam" feel :)

DanJohansen responds:

ahh the good old Snes, loved that console :) Still go back now and then to replay some classics

Megaman Relived O.o
Sounds nice.
With a Classic touch.
Nicely done.
That is all.


DanJohansen responds:

Thanks for taking some of your time to write man, appreciate it :) that is all

Decky hit the nail right on the head with that sledgehammer!
Totally beast!

Your lead is a bit screechy during a few parts, but its acceptable! This lil melody made my day!

DanJohansen responds:

Thanks dude.. I tend to hit notes hard to make them screechy and squeely to add intensity to my guitar music..glad it's noticed! :D ROCK ON!

If this were used in the actual Crystalis Video Game on NES, it would have been my all time favorite track! The remake to the Crystalis Tower on GBC just killed the classic...but its pyramid theme just owned!

I pick up various traces of both in your track, if you admit to it or not, I know where you got your inspiration, and it paid off. Job well done, no fuzziness, no clipping, mastering a complete success, and volume at a perfect pitch!

Bass could have used a bigger thump, but its perfect the way it is!

TheDoomrider responds:

All I can say is THANX!!! and never heard of Crystalis, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't influenced by old school video game soundtracks. I really love the way melody always was the focus in the past, but now it seems most of the music is just atmosphere. This is where JRPG's are different which is also my fav Genre of video games. Video game, movie soundtracks and metal are my main influences :D

*slaps you with a cooked tuna*
Dude, how dare you drive yourself into thinking your not doing a F_ _ _ing good job with your tunes!
The drums sound unique, your rifting is JUST fine, and the "middle rift" is epic just as it is.
As always, your mastering leaves no traces of hardcore editing flaws.
Everything about this piece is unique, sounds equally metaltastic, and its even got your signature style embedded deep into the track at 1:40 - 2:00.

*throws you into the mosh pit*
Now stop being so harsh on yourself, and keep up the good job Burn7....dont make me slap you with some tuna again my friend :)

Burn7 responds:

Hah... Well thanks, man.

Truth is I have to be hard on myself, because nobody else will be. I'm my own worst enemy and harshest critic, but it's how I progress.

I'm glad you're enjoying my stuff though dude! Thanks for checking me out!

Like Metal, Rock, BGM Revisions & Mixes. Comical Flashes, Parody's, and anything that will entertain me. I will critique to the fullest, add some ideas, pointers, and maybe even assist you in creation of high quality projects.
TikTok: @ketsujo

Age 40, Male

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