
468 Audio Reviews

191 w/ Responses

Captures the 8 bit feel...but...

It holds on to some of the SNES tendencies just a little bit. Over all a great piece and very well put in with Upgrade Complete too I might add.

Would love to use this in one of my videos Im making...I await your approval good sir/maam :D


Has a Sky Shark feel to it :)

This Takes me back sooo many years when NES was the big console for massive gaming. Oh how I love those days.

Your lil tidbit here has awoken the need to play some 8 bit and get away from my Wii and PS3 :D

I await the Drum Addition Before I Download!

ZoMg! Beast!

Enough Said.

havikbstone responds:

Drum edition will be here soon :3

One Word...


When MMX first came out...

This was the only stage I would do my FREAKIN HOMEWORK to.
Being in college now...and hearin' this makes me want to go get my SNES outta storage just to play this game all over again.

Respect, Props, and DAMN GOOD JOB!

Jebbal responds:

Hahaha I know, right?? When I decided on doing a remix of this for the contest, I just had to get out the SNES and play a few levels of MegaManX. That game is so classic. Glad you liked this!

Thanks for the review!

Platformin' it up!

Just takes me back to when Gameboy and NES ruled over all.
Takes me back to them good ole days. Props :)

wandschrank responds:

Thank you! :D

Brings me back...

Back when Sega games were in the Norm for us gamers...
Just the way some of the lines sound, makes me wanna break out the ole sega and thumb mash :D

Oh Wow! im not a fan of many female singers but...

WOW!!! Truly amazing, loved the instrument switch up at 1:50ish.
Would give Amy Lee a run for her money with this one.
nough' said :)

*ears are bleeding*

Your looking at the title...and saying WTF O.o
HAH! Bleeding from volume being cranked to 100% Loved the guitars, the drums, the energy put out. Only flaw I caught on to was the repetition of your track. Sounds a bit similar all the way through until 2:50-ish.

Overall, kick ass. Rock on dude :)

Burn7 responds:

Yeah, it does get somewhat repetitive... which is something that I've noticed has been happening a lot with a lot of my music.

It's odd, I started out writing music with the intention of it never growing repetitive and then I found my niche and it happened to be within the repetitive groove of rhythmic stoner metal.

It's so odd, writing music. It truly is an oxymoron in itself when it comes to musical content and repetition. Because on the one hand you have people who want repetition and believe that it builds a powerful, memorable track. But on the other, you've got folks who want DreamTheatre typed stuff that barely has noticeable repeating melodic structure and whatnot.

I guess I just have to find that balance. Good thing I'm a Libra :D

Thanks for the review!

Brings me back...

Makes me miss my PS2 FFX-2 days....its got a similar feel to it as 90% of that games music does. I do miss my NES, but they dont last forever like we want them to do so....

I loved how calming it truly is, and just gives you that sense of relaxation.
I suggest revising this piece again with a deeper tone, add some bass, slow the tempo down just a little to give it a much darker feel. Would totally kick ass more then it already does.

Like Metal, Rock, BGM Revisions & Mixes. Comical Flashes, Parody's, and anything that will entertain me. I will critique to the fullest, add some ideas, pointers, and maybe even assist you in creation of high quality projects.
TikTok: @ketsujo

Age 40, Male

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