
468 Audio Reviews

191 w/ Responses

As i sit here on break listening to this beast on my iphone...dude, what studio are you using?...

Because this <censored> sounds beast af over the iPhone’s speakers 😁

Burn7 responds:

Hahah that's actually a huge compliment cause I'm not using anything new. It's just Reaper and my same set up. Well, I mean... Plus a large collection of random freeware synthesizers. But I just kinda stumbled into actually mixing things better working on the podcast.

But I'll take that as a massive plus from you :D

Mother Of God...
So THIS is where you've been hiding here lately...Frankly, you always shine with your music my friend. You've really outdone yourself with this piece for your friends iPhone game (which I looked for and can't find on the app store lmao) and givin the sound engine iPhones use, it sounds glorious!

Love the chippy bitcrushing you've done...maybe you should revise one of your creations in this notion? For example, the piece on Dragon Spirit you did for me a few years back? THAT would sound marvelous in this style!

Fantastic work! Oh and shave off that 1 second of irritating silence.

Burn7 responds:

Hahah, well thank you kindly my man. I'm glad I can still bring it sometimes :P

I really thought about doing something interesting with the bitcrushing and some metal things, but mostly it doesn't sound nearly as cool as you'd think. But we'll see if I can make something happen :]

I could try and shave off that silence but then I would have to re-render the whole thing. Actually .mp3's are the worst for loops because rendering an .mp3 always puts a few milliseconds of silence at the beginning and end of the song. So even if it's an absolute perfect loop with an .mp3 it won't be :[

Out of all your pieces thus far, I would have to say you need to work on your fade outs...too long for a good solid loop...especially when on repeat. Overall this piece is literally all over the place in the aspect of feels and that's exactly what newgrounds needs! More randomized music that brings out the feels of the day! This piece does just that!

Just picture yourself button mashing or doing whatever us gamers do today, having this play in the background as you utterly destroy your opposition and devastate the ranks or huge ass mobs...oh yes...I went there!

Your mastering is relatively solid, and the beat is spot on and very realistic!
More sir...give, us, MORE!

The Ups...The Downs...
The Chaos...
The Rage within the music is just so fitting! Well played, mastered, and everything just falls into place with this piece. What more can I say here other than this could be used as my Alarm? ^_^

Lets just dig a bit deeper here and go full swing on the tempo...speed er' up a bit and see how it sounds... ;-)

I love the feel to this one!
Very unique piece you got here...and makes me wonder what else you could do with it...like taking a Mega Man 4 twist with it?

I love the softness, the soothing melody and the calming atmosphere this piece brings as well as the sensation of exploring.
Well Done!

A very unique piece here, and I catch a bit of influence from Super Mario Bros 3's battle ship theme...or it could just be me?
I'm also catching snarplettes of a few Pokémon Battle theme's in there as well...particularly Gym and Elite Four battle themes...?

Yea, I'm a nerd...lol
Excellent composition! Don't worry about the loop, with practice makes perfection!

Not to be a jack ass here...But the original held much more of a beat and hype to the game's theme when you're pushing for those LIMIT break Levels on Disc 1...or going for those Enemy Skills for easy AP grinding...oh yes, I went there LMAO!

While your composition is very original, and FLAWLESS I might add, I can not grant you a full 5 stars...due to the lack of energy. This piece maintains its ambience and overall flow with no drop or pick-me-up...and lacks a "unique" twist for a revision/composition, and you're fade-out is to be desired, as it doesn't mesh with the intro.

Don't take this as a HARSH BLOW to your ego, but take it as an insight when you go to revise or make a unique composition to Jenova Absolute or One Winged Angel...or dare I say, Cosmo Canyon (red Xiii's redux)...or Seto's Theme?

Keep at your vices and PUSH ON THROUGH!!!!!

For it being an older piece of yours, the mastering is relatively flawless. The drums are have a tad bit of static to em (not sure if this was intentional or not), and the electronic sounds are relatively fresh. If this were to have a few more "lines" added to it, pretty sure you'd have a front paged piece here. I'd go as far as to throw in some of the classic 8/16 bit sfx you'd find in classic platformer side scrolling shoot em up's...not gonna name any game names here, but IM SURE...you'd know instantly which ones I speak of.

4.5 to you! KEEP at it!

SO!...this is what you come back to newgrounds with on your LARPing spree? FANTASTIC!

I'll be waiting.

I come back to revisit this piece just because I'm such a NICE GUY to give more listens to classic submissions by some of my favorite artists...and I read my review and just wanted to slap myself. NOW! On to the ACTUAL GOOD SHIT!

1. You can NOT call this mediocre playing! Sure, not your ultimate piece of work, but look at the age of this piece and how well you've progressed since then!
2. If you've ever played any of the THUG games, and listened to the tracks by In Flames that were used, you would HEAR the similarities in YOUR music compared to theirs! +1
3. Your drums, hi-hats, and lead mesh VERY FUCKING WELL! +1
4. You keep to YOUR STYLE OF PLAYING! +1

and lastly...
Just cause you're XenoGenocide!...and your music KICKS ASS! +1

So perhaps you should come back to this piece along with Riding on the Edge and give it a NEW YOU feel and give us something to brag about!

Like Metal, Rock, BGM Revisions & Mixes. Comical Flashes, Parody's, and anything that will entertain me. I will critique to the fullest, add some ideas, pointers, and maybe even assist you in creation of high quality projects.
TikTok: @ketsujo

Age 40, Male

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Joined on 1/21/10

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