
191 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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If this were used in the actual Crystalis Video Game on NES, it would have been my all time favorite track! The remake to the Crystalis Tower on GBC just killed the classic...but its pyramid theme just owned!

I pick up various traces of both in your track, if you admit to it or not, I know where you got your inspiration, and it paid off. Job well done, no fuzziness, no clipping, mastering a complete success, and volume at a perfect pitch!

Bass could have used a bigger thump, but its perfect the way it is!

TheDoomrider responds:

All I can say is THANX!!! and never heard of Crystalis, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't influenced by old school video game soundtracks. I really love the way melody always was the focus in the past, but now it seems most of the music is just atmosphere. This is where JRPG's are different which is also my fav Genre of video games. Video game, movie soundtracks and metal are my main influences :D

*slaps you with a cooked tuna*
Dude, how dare you drive yourself into thinking your not doing a F_ _ _ing good job with your tunes!
The drums sound unique, your rifting is JUST fine, and the "middle rift" is epic just as it is.
As always, your mastering leaves no traces of hardcore editing flaws.
Everything about this piece is unique, sounds equally metaltastic, and its even got your signature style embedded deep into the track at 1:40 - 2:00.

*throws you into the mosh pit*
Now stop being so harsh on yourself, and keep up the good job Burn7....dont make me slap you with some tuna again my friend :)

Burn7 responds:

Hah... Well thanks, man.

Truth is I have to be hard on myself, because nobody else will be. I'm my own worst enemy and harshest critic, but it's how I progress.

I'm glad you're enjoying my stuff though dude! Thanks for checking me out!


Its a chiptune, and its got some nasty overpowering static.
I still enjoyed it, but its a chiptune. Most chiptunes sound like it :P
You stayed true to the original style of chippin'
That is all

Burn7 responds:

you can give people no stars, look for the button

Let the metal reign supreme for eternity!!!
THIS particular piece...is OMG WTF HAX epic! Very well balanced to my ears, I could not catch up on any clipping, the solo was jaw dropping awesome, and you mentioned 12 layers...INSANITY! You worked your ass off didn't you? As far as your HiHat's...they were a bit light, but could care less.

This piece was brutal, in a most beautiful way!

RobSoundtrack responds:

YES!! Wow thanks Shawn
It was really hard to keep the parts in check, and I really appreciate the comment
Vote#2 for hihat swap. I will look into it.
Good review!! (thanks again)

Your "Play By Ear" method to remixing one of the most classic battle music in Nintendo's history has one major flaw...no major kick! IF by any means you could remaster this with a bass and electric guitars...I could see this as a true masterpiece worthy of being used in a Future pokemon release....(when will they stop creating more and more characters to max out -_-)

Very well done!

SulfuricDonut responds:

Haha thanks! I do some work with video game bands with electric guitars and heavy drums and all that epicness. This one I really just wanted to recreate the original with more modern technology sounds and have fun with synthesizers.

But as for your suggestion of remastering it with other instruments: Once exams are done I plan to start doing that, except there are tons of other pokemon classics that I want to get out too. Most will probably have some forms of epic guitar recording since that's the fun part :P
I may fix up a more epic version of this one once I do the other battle themes (VS trainer, wild pokemon, etc). I love all the songs too much to NOT do all of them :)

Ever play Willow on the NES?
This is what it reminds me of...just the way it's put together and the 8 bit feel takes me WAY back to them good ole 2 button masher games such as blaster master and what not.

Props to you and may you produce more 8 bit wonders!

Calamaistr responds:

never played a willow game but i know there was one, willow was one of my favorite medieval fantasy movies though :)

thanks for your review.

Drums are over powered...
Simplistic melody, catchy, minimal clipping (which is excellent)
Beat's very catchy...almost sounds like something from the good ole Snes days of button mashing, to my ears...its got a Starfox feel...and a bit of SMB64 as well.

Nicely done, but consider lowering the power of your drums a tad :D

Vahnson responds:

Thank you for your kind words!! I will take your advice.

@ above poster
The low score could be due to the fact that the melody isnt as hyped as the original is. Lovers of Cave Story enjoy the high velocity of the music the game itself gives, that and the challenge.

@ Kuro
Brilliant cover of such a great track in cavestory. The feel is very unique, and still captures the game's original melody. However, if you were to give it a small tempo increase you could find yourself with a better score. Either way, the beat itself screams 4 out of 5 to my ears. Wish it were fast and a bit heavier, but I can tell your well on your way! Keep it up :D

KuroMisuki responds:

The tempo is near the original songs tempo. I usually get the notes in the right area and play them side by side till they play at the same time. I also find it a bit funny that you commented on a song from four years ago and also wished me luck. Ill still take it though as i need it. :p

Like Metal, Rock, BGM Revisions & Mixes. Comical Flashes, Parody's, and anything that will entertain me. I will critique to the fullest, add some ideas, pointers, and maybe even assist you in creation of high quality projects.
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