
191 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Another "by hand" track of yours bro?
Its not too shabby honestly, kinda takes me back to the Doom days, but then again...*ehem*
I kinda wanna hear your take on something, if you're up for a major challenge that is.
Trust me, it's literally right up your alley.

NO ONE!...has had the balls to remix a lil smidgelette of something I have in mind. I even tried doing it myself, but it doesnt sound right with Synthetic sound bytes...needs...Fenders...

Burn7 responds:

Hell yes bruv. Just fuckin' around with different tones and such. Re-learning how to make things sound engaging.

And sure, my dude. Hit me with it.

There's always SOMETHING to be had in your music anymore Dan...
Just decided to come lurk back here and see whats all new since I got the PC back up and running...and what do I see on my feed...THIS!
Sooo chaotically SOOTHING to my ears!
Perhaps its time for the dreaded 0-2-5 (coughs) Wrong on purpose (coughs) set? LMAO!

Where's my beer at...?

DanJohansen responds:

Epic ass review man, always dig reading what you write haha, *throws a six pack of beer your way* Rock on!!

I can feel the power behind this piece over my headset...such hype, such pulsating energy, such drive.
The original is for sure felt in this bad boy, and the addition at 2:39 is VERY welcomed! I feel some of the melody was heavily influenced by FF7 in some odd way...or is that just me?

DanJohansen responds:

Glad you enjoyed both this and the original man! It was a blast making it into a metal version. :D
I wasn't particularly inspired by FF VII for this, but then again, FF VII is my second fave game of all time and I think Nobuo is the king of composers, so he inspires me all the time, so could be something in there.

Not...what I expected out of you.

While creative, not what I am used to hearing. Its...un-nerving.
I'm remaining neutral in my rating and commentary at this time. Decent work regardless John.

johnfn responds:

unnerving? >:P

*chin scratch*
As a retro gamer...I detect the final level of Contra in the intro and in various segments of this piece. Your lead is on point, the drums are a smidge weak but that's acceptable.
The lovely melody suits an RPG "overworld cruising" theme. Question is, what type of RPG? *shrug*

Now...let's see, might be a good challenge for you...how about you undertake a unique take on a retro platform's game? Look into Dragon Spirit, and rise to the challenge? I know NG has a thing against revisions as of late, but with proper credit and all that, nothing can be said.
I'd love to hear your take of a few of that game's tracks, as it's got such a hype to it as does majority of your music dan. Like you, Burn7 has a unique style, and your styles mesh well with specific genre's of retro games.

*pokes with the inspiration stick*
Something to think about it.

DanJohansen responds:

Glad you enjoyed it man! Not really interested in doing covers to be honest :D I did a lot of them in the past, but lost all interest in doing them now.

Bout time we hear something YOUR STYLE reach our ears! The tingly goodness this brings to my ears fills me with sheer delight!

Whats to critique? Nothing! The mastery is epic, everything blends, lead is strong, drums fit, hi’s sit well, and everything else just meshed together nicely!

Although, your secondary guitar could use a slight volume boost, id say 10% in certain areas. But then again...thats just me.

EDIT: Come back to this piece just for the hell of it, and to listen to it's ear tingling goodness and was wondering...WHY the download was disabled, then it slapped me in the face. An entire album was produced and this was a sampler towards said album.

To be perfectly honest, this snarplet would appease the masses if freely available. Upon reading my split second review, I would have to say that I was pretty much spot on.
Try listening to this piece through some gamer headphones, through iPhone/Droid, and then through a stereo surround!

Lets just say my neighbors made a Noise Complaint at 430pm (Troll Face)

BERSERKYD responds:

Amazing review !! Can't tell how much I appreciate this kind of message. You Rock man ! Thanks a lot !

As i sit here on break listening to this beast on my iphone...dude, what studio are you using?...

Because this <censored> sounds beast af over the iPhone’s speakers 😁

Burn7 responds:

Hahah that's actually a huge compliment cause I'm not using anything new. It's just Reaper and my same set up. Well, I mean... Plus a large collection of random freeware synthesizers. But I just kinda stumbled into actually mixing things better working on the podcast.

But I'll take that as a massive plus from you :D

Mother Of God...
So THIS is where you've been hiding here lately...Frankly, you always shine with your music my friend. You've really outdone yourself with this piece for your friends iPhone game (which I looked for and can't find on the app store lmao) and givin the sound engine iPhones use, it sounds glorious!

Love the chippy bitcrushing you've done...maybe you should revise one of your creations in this notion? For example, the piece on Dragon Spirit you did for me a few years back? THAT would sound marvelous in this style!

Fantastic work! Oh and shave off that 1 second of irritating silence.

Burn7 responds:

Hahah, well thank you kindly my man. I'm glad I can still bring it sometimes :P

I really thought about doing something interesting with the bitcrushing and some metal things, but mostly it doesn't sound nearly as cool as you'd think. But we'll see if I can make something happen :]

I could try and shave off that silence but then I would have to re-render the whole thing. Actually .mp3's are the worst for loops because rendering an .mp3 always puts a few milliseconds of silence at the beginning and end of the song. So even if it's an absolute perfect loop with an .mp3 it won't be :[

Dude...you're SLIPPING!
Your repeat is WAY OFF! That half a second just ruined your perfect 5 for this glorious piece! Cmon FERREX!!!! FIX THIS! PLEASE!

Other than that, I love it!

EliteFerrex responds:

That must be an issue with NG, because it loops perfectly on Winamp and other stuff.

(Just stares at you in disbelief...with a huge evil, but welcoming SHIT EATING GRIN!)
Once again, you surprise me with your shreds. This Fender...sounds...how should I say this without crushing John's (Burn7) ego...fucking AMAZING!

Love how brutal the lead is, and how it doesn't overpower everything else either...as here of late, a lot of artists have been letting the lead just OP their entire track and its an EAR SORE.
Then again, I expected nothing less from you other than ear tingling GREATNESS!
What would have made your track even more brutal...and yes I know I know...particular add-on/additions aren't allowed...but some orchestral vocal hymns would have made this piece stand out literally!
Something to consider perhaps?

DanJohansen responds:

Always awesome to see a review from you man, goes into some delicious depth! I am massively pleased with the Fender, I never thought it'd be this down my alley :)

I've done some vocal hymns in other tracks here and there, but yeah if I added it here it could actually be an improvement now that you mention it!

Awesome review bro, rock on!

Like Metal, Rock, BGM Revisions & Mixes. Comical Flashes, Parody's, and anything that will entertain me. I will critique to the fullest, add some ideas, pointers, and maybe even assist you in creation of high quality projects.
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